You may have come across this recent article in the local media, which suggest that West Berkshire Council are considering putting up Variable Message Signs on the A4 between Thatcham and Theale to encourage motorists to look out for cyclists. Spokes does not feel that variable message signs are the right solution, since they are simply an attempt to tackle the symptom rather than the cause of the problems experienced by cyclists along this busy main road.
There are several Spokes members who regularly cycle this stretch of the A4 and the consensus opinion is that the main problems relate to locations where central islands have been constructed. These have presumably been installed to reduce vehicle speeds and / or to prevent overtaking at key locations along the route. However, they have been found to create significant problems for cyclists as motorists try to overtake at the islands. Our members have cited several near misses at these locations and we feel that the islands compromise the safety of cyclists.
The ideal solution would be to have a high quality, fully segregated cycle track alongside the A4. This would make it safe and pleasant for people to cycle between the various towns and villages along the A4. Failing that, the next best solution would be construction of cycle bypasses at the road narrowings, or to come up with a completely different design that does not place cyclists and motor vehicles into direct conflict.
We will seek to work with West Berkshire Council to come up with an effective solution and will raise this at the next Cycle Forum.